Plant Health Insights

Improve Scepter Wheat Results When Basis Added to Fertiliser

Written by Agricen Australia | 1/4/17 11:27 PM
In this paddock trial in South Australia, adding Basis to the grower's granular fertiliser application improved the performance of Scepter wheat during the growing season. In early September when photos were taken (below), wheat in the untreated block had drooping flag leaves and showed signs of magnesium deficiency, while wheat plants in the Basis-treated blocks had more erect leaves and no signs of nutrient deficiency.

Wheat shoots and tillers in the Basis-treated blocks were also larger and more developed.


As harvest continues, we'll present more Basis wheat data, so be sure to subscribe to our blog for updates.  

You can also learn more about using Basis for wheat and other broadacre crops by accessing the Basis product booklet.