Plant Health Insights

Maximising Nutrient Use in Cropping Systems & Pasture Systems

Written by Agricen Australia | 4/15/20 10:00 PM

Our latest webinar, "Maximising Nutrient Use Efficiency in Cropping & Pasture Systems of Australia," is now available to watch online.

During this on-demand webinar, you will learn:

  • How fertiliser inputs break down and cycle in the soil after application, including the role played by soil microbiology
  • How efficiently fertiliser inputs are taken up by the crop
  • How two technologies - Basis XC and Foundation LM - can have a positive influence on fertiliser practices and maximise yield potential in agronomic programs
  • Recent results with Basis XC in cropping and pasture trials

Watch this on-demand webinar today to learn more about maximising nutrient use efficiency in cropping and pasture systems.