Plant Health Insights

Early Season Application of Foundation LM & Radiate Benefits Cotton

[fa icon="calendar"] 19/09/18

For a high-performing cotton crop, growers need to set the stage for success early in the growing season. In this short video, you'll hear from a cotton agronomist how early season applications of Foundation LM and Radiate can support plant health and maximise cotton yield potential by providing benefits such as enhanced rooting, improved nutrient uptake and increased resistance to plant stress. 


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Foundation LM
is a biocatalyst that can be applied at planting to increase nutrient availability and improve uptake from liquid fertilisers and soil nutrient sources.

"When you apply a product like Foundation LM to these soils you get a lot of crop health benefits and nutrient efficiency," says John Quillin of Loveland Products. "Generally, we'll add Foundation LM in with our starter fertilisers and we also like to apply it with our other liquid fertiliser blends throughout the season."

Radiate is an APVMA-registered formulation of plant growth hormones that can be applied at the 2-6 true leaf stage to improve cotton root growth and reduce plant stress. 

"It's a pretty simple concept," says Quillin. "The more roots you have, the more root hairs you have, the more contact you'll have with that soil solution, the more nutrients you'll be able to pick up, and the better the plant will be able to withstand stresses. We also like to use [Radiate] with our herbicide applications. It tends to help those products not be so stressful on the plants. Even though they are resistant to those herbicides, they still have to spend energy in order to metabolize those products. Radiate really seems to help the plants move through that stress and continue growing."

Foundation LM and Radiate are both available from Loveland Agri Products through Nutrien Ag Solutions.

Watch the cotton webinar for more details on these technologies.

Watch the Webinar


Topics: Foundation LM, Cotton