Plant Health Insights

How to Enhance Cotton Growth with Early Season Technologies

[fa icon="calendar"] 30/09/18

Cotton Planting Guide ImageAustralian cotton has a reputation for high quality and high productivity, boasting yields that are more than three times the world average. The Loveland Agri Products’ range can help cotton growers maintain their leading edge and maximise their return on investment by setting the stage for a high performing crop early in the growing season.

The Superior Cotton Planting guide focuses on three key Loveland products that can be used to enhance the growth and performance of both irrigated and dryland cotton:

  • Foundation™ LM - A biochemical catalyst for liquid fertilisers that increases nutrient availability and improves nutrient use efficiency. Foundation LM is an easy-to-use, cost-effective and safe method of making phosphorus more available to the plant at emergence and at early seedling stage. It helps to increase phosphorus efficiency by converting organic phosphorus into the plant-available, inorganic form.
  • Radiate® - An APVMA-registered foliar plant growth regulator technology. Radiate contains balanced amounts of indolebutyric acid (IBA) and other nutritional ingredients designed to promote root and shoot growth, improving
    overall plant vigour.
  • LoKomotive® - A liquid potassium acetate formulation specifically designed to provide maximum potassium uptake with minimal potential for phytotoxicity.

The guide includes:

  • Detailed descriptions of these three unique product technologies
  • Product benefits in a cotton program
  • Timing & application rates

Foundation LM, Radiate and LoKomotive, which are typically used early to mid-season, can help improve nutrient availability, increase root growth and enhance plant vigour, resulting in a more efficient utilisation of nutrients. This equates to a healthier crop, a stronger plant and improved boll set—ultimately helping Australian cotton growers continue to achieve the highest possible yields and quality. 

Download the guide to see how the unique technologies in Foundation LM, Radiate and LoKomotive can assist cotton growers in maximising their yield potential. 

Download the Guide


Topics: Foundation LM, Cotton