Plant Health Insights

Positive Trend in Lentil Yield with Basis XC on MAP Fertiliser

[fa icon="calendar"] 13/08/18

This trial from Minlaton, South Australia was conducted to evaluate lentil production utilising Basis XC on MAP fertiliserBasis XC was applied on MAP at 2L/tonne ("treated"). Treated and untreated MAP was applied at planting with the seed at rates of 25, 50 and 75kg/ha.

At every rate, lentils grown in the blocks with Basis XC-treated MAP outyielded the control blocks, with yield increases ranging from 50-190 kg/ha. 

Lentils - SA - Basis XC

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The highest yield increase with Basis XC (190kg/ha) was observed with the lowest rate of MAP (25kg/ha). The least significant difference (LSD) for the trial was 0.15.

Learn more about improving nutrient availability from granular fertilisers with Basis XC by downloading the Basis XC booklet

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Topics: Pulse Crops, Basis XC, Lentils