Plant Health Insights

[Watch] Early Season Technologies to Increase Cotton Production

[fa icon="calendar"] 23/09/18

09-18-cotton-webinarDuring "Early Season Technologies to Increase Cotton Production," you will hear about two technologies—Foundation LM and Radiate—that can improve cotton production by providing benefits such as increased nutrient availability, enhanced root growth and improved stress tolerance.

During the webinar, you'll see: 

  • What Foundation LM and Radiate are
  • How these products can maximise yield potential in an agronomic program on cotton
  • Recent trial results in cotton

Watch the Webinar

Foundation LM is an easy-to-use method of making nutrients more available to the plant at emergence and at early seedling stage, while Radiate hormonally induces adventitious root growth to maximise early crop establishment, giving plants greater access to nutrients and moisture. Both products are available from Loveland Agri Products through Nutrien Ag Solutions.

You can also download the Superior Cotton Planting guide for additional information on incorporating these technologies into a cotton program. 

Topics: Foundation LM, Webinars, Cotton