Plant Health Insights

Wheat Yield Improvement with Basis XC-Treated Starter Fertiliser

[fa icon="calendar"] 29/01/20

basis xc weight trailer wheat yield improvement

In this wheat trial conducted last season in Murray Bridge, SA, treating MAP starter fertiliser with Basis XC improved wheat yield and showed a positive return on investment for the grower, even under dry conditions. 

Growing season rainfall was under 100 mm. The three treatments that were evaluated were:

  • 65kg/ha MAP
  • 75kg/ha MAP
  • 65kg/ha MAP + Basis XC

Each wheat treatment had four strips harvested. 

When 65kg/ha MAP was treated with Basis XC, the resulting yield was increased by 120kg/ha (or 8.2%) when compared to untreated MAP applied at the same rate. The Basis XC-treated MAP also outyielded the higher rate of untreated MAP (75kg/ha) by 50kg/ha, an increase of 3.2%.

BasisXC Wheat Murray Bridge Wheat Yield Improvement

In 2019, wheat harvest prices were approximately $350/t on farm, and the cost of Basis XC for 65 kg/ha MAP is $3/ha. At those prices, the yield increase compared to untreated MAP at 65kg/ha equates to an extra $42/ha. Even with wheat at $200/t, the return on investment for the grower is still positive, equating to an extra $24/ha.

Basis XC is a unique biocatalyst technology that helps to improve the availability of nutrients in applied fertilisers, leading to more efficient nutrient utilisation and helping growers get more out of their applied P & K fertilisers. The diverse range of beneficial biochemistries in Basis XC hastens the breakdown of treated fertiliser granules and will also help stimulate more root development, which results in a better ability to capture nutrients.  

By using Basis XC to enhance nutrient release from applied fertiliser,  growers can minimise their seasonal risk and maximise their wheat yield potential. 

Learn how Basis XC can complement your cropping plan by downloading the Basis XC booklet.

Download the Booklet


Photo courtesy of Shawn Rowe, Nutrien Ag Solutions (formerly Landmark) at Murray Bridge, SA.

Topics: Wheat, Basis XC